I learned Doterra Essential Oils during our holiday in Hong Kong. It was introduced by our lovely host, Wendy, when I was suffering from a bad motion sickness as we crossed the sea via ferry. It worked almost instantly.

On our third day at Lamma Island, my stomach became upset that nearly ruined our last day stay. I went back home and put on the excess Peppermint Essential Oil that our host prepared. Once more, it worked exceptionally fast.

I am astounded by its healing ability. Then I asked Wendy where to buy Doterra, but since we had a very limited time, she only sold me her extra bottle of Peppermint Essential Oil.

My mother-in-law also experienced its greatness when I shared my Peppermint Essential Oil. Afterwards, we then discovered that Doterra has a full range of oils that could help fighting cancer and managing pain. We were very thankful that our dearest Tita in the United Kingdom got the membership, bought the Doterra kit and mailed it to us.

doterra oils collage

Below are some tips using Doterra Essential Oils:

For cough and colds:

Drop Lemon to honey to soothe a cough or sore throat

To have a good night’s sleep:

Apply the Lavender to the bottom of feet or on a pillow before sleeping


Add drops of Lavender to a lotion or baby oil

Stomach pain:

Rub Peppermint on the stomach or take a one drop internally to calm down upset stomach


Spread Peppermint on the child’s shirt before study time

Nausea, headache, motion sickness and cooling:

Use peppermint

Sore and cramping muscles:

Apply lemongrass or White Flr (oils)

Calm stress:

Use Frankincense with Lavender and Peppermint

Pain Formula:

White Flr and Frankincense to be applied topically

Stomach ache or constipation:

Drink 1-2 drops of marjoram, mixed with honey, water or juice

At the onset of cold, flu or respiratory distress symptoms:

Massage marjoram into the chest, neck and lymph nodes

Anxiety and nervous:

Use Marjoram

To strengthen the immune system:

A couple of drops of frankincense under the tongue helps to control inflammation in the body. When you put an essential oil under your tongue, it is absorbed into the body more rapidly. Try to hold it under your tongue for about five minutes before taking a drink of water.