It’s been a long time since I quit blogging as I was occupied with work, pregnancy, and parenting. It was just last month when I learned that my blog was down due to an error on its plug-ins which I only figured out and also fixed recently.
What happened to me?
I decided to halt writing blog content knowing that many people have already switched subscribing to video blogging. I felt I don’t have the guts to do the same thing. I also had a risky pregnancy in 2017, and I had to juggle from parenting and work-at-home loads. It wasn’t manageable. I don’t have free time and creative juice to write a blog-worthy content back then.
I chose to start up an event styling and management business when I had my leeway from just being at home. For more than 2 years, my life mostly engaged in decorating venues, client meetings, and wedding coordination gigs. I was so overwhelmed with my schedules until COVID-19 arrived.

Why I came back?
The world is currently fighting for people’s lives from the ”unknown virus”, which eventually named COVID-19. Now I’m quite lost thinking about what life awaits after the “enhanced community quarantine” is lifted. I’m also pessimistic knowing the non-essential industries couldn’t just come back until there’s no vaccine available (which might take years according to the news). Mass gatherings are still prohibited during the “General Community Quarantine”, which is the next phase after the lift of the “ECQ”.
While on lockdown, a friend told me if I’m still interested to renew my domain name. Of course, I just want my blog up without updating it. But my mind changed. I need an outlet for my random thoughts, at least during the quarantine days.
The new normal is not favorable to most people, but we have no choice. If I need to go back to my virtual world, I will be delighted. For now, I just need to speak my mind.