This RH Bill is a very hot issue of today which involves two powerful institutions, our Government and the Catholic Church. Our Government with the support of Pnoy is pushing the RH Bill for the sake of helping less-fortunate segment of our society. The Reproductive Health Bill will let couple (husband and wife) choose the perfect family planning method, whether artificial or natural birth control. On the other hand, the CBCP and other Catholic Associations are firmed with their stand about this issue, “NO TO RH BILL”. They condemned the artificial method because they believed that some of the listed contraceptives on the RH Bill are immoral which are more likely as an abortion.
As a parent and as a woman, I have hard times taking care of my little baby, as well as providing all that she needs. Come to think of it, I do have work/s yet it’s not enough.
Aside from finances, my body felt so fragile. I had an accident that causes fractured arm since there’s no enough calcium left in my body. My immune system is weaker nowadays and much prone to different viral diseases. I need at least three years of rehabilitation. Therefore, I can’t afford to get pregnant again, at least within three years. And most of all, I want peace of mind.
I’m not against natural family planning method, we’ve tried it before and it only works for a short period of time on our end. I’m not saying that the method is not accurate, but there are many factors we have to consider like irregular menstruation. Stress, health condition and other factors contribute for having an irregular cycle. Thus, natural family planning method may not be a perfect method for them as much as they want to.
My stand about this issue? Give couples an alternative option, if they are satisfied with the natural family planning method respect them, but if there’s a big need for an artificial one, let them. Make it available for less-fortunate unit of our society. Besides the government is just giving an option, take it or leave it, no harm.
Let us all be responsible parents and open ourselve for all alternatives, it’s just a responsible-parenting-pov from a mother of 11-month old baby, a Catholic and a Pro-LIFE. I respect your stand, and this is my stand regarding this issue, don’t hate me!
The RH Bill is not anti-poor as I often hear it but it is anti-poverty. I haven’t had the chance to read and wholly understand the bill but I do hope that they will include provision for “informed consent” of the women and their families. Some forms of contraceptives have higher frequency of complications than others. I hope women will be able to choose correctly.
I hope sis, that your health gets so that you will have the strength to take care of your baby. I’m going to be a mother soon. I’m both excited and anxious. I don’t know if I’m really fit to be a mother.
Good luck sis…